Future Space Foundation
Make Architects Student Competition, 2019
blue clay country spa competition by bee breeders, 2016-2017
“To the Latvian, the dainas are more than a literary tradition. They are the very embodiment of his cultural heritage, left by forefathers whom history had denied other, more tangible forms of expression. These songs thus form the very core of the Latvian identity."
- Former president of Latvia and scholar Mrs Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga
Dainas are the poetries and folklores that shape and epitomize the essence of Latvian identity. They are the main mode of transmission of Latvian culture and one of the milestones in identity building. It is necessary to understand the connection that Latvians maintain with nature, their history and their identity in order to revel in the true substance of these quatrains. Part of our formal inspirations stems from a Latvian poem titled “The Burning Coal” by Aspazija which very much reflects on the tradition, literature and symbolism of this nation in upholding its culture. By using the processes of burning coal, the poet metaphorically painted the journey of how one's passion is spread across. Within these five stanzas, he created a series of poetics that constitutes the spaces in the spa house.
Our design strives to elevate the idea of a traditional bathhouse and create a therapeutic facility that tends to both physical as well as the mind of the users. Ecotherapy is based on the idea that people are connected to and impacted by the natural environment. In nature, our minds process a lot less information than normal, and they don't wear themselves out by concentrating. To achieve that in this nature surrounded site, we began to question the orthodox approach for an enclosed space. Vertical walls became the main design style, with walls arranged in a manner to eliminate enclosed corners. The effect is a humble building that allows the pristine nature of Latvia to seep into the spaces. The layout of the internal space is a carefully planned path of circulation which leads users to certain predetermined points but lets them explore other areas for themselves. The perspective is always controlled to ensures or denies a view.
Thermal experience is based on a relaxing cycle alternating hot and cold. The vertical walls poised over the water feature that wraps around the building subtly creating visual and physical guidance. The design takes full advantage of Latvia’s poetic setting and natural light allowing interplay with the environment – be it the changing hues and reflections of the water, or varying tones of light and shadow, the building manifests a multitude of changing emotions. The building elegantly conveys a quiet beauty when the concrete and substantials come in contact with the fluid and ethereal.
Unrestrcted and unrestrained,
We are self-absorbed.
Daring and dexterous,
We venture.
Restricted and restrained,
We overcome.
Devoted and dedicated,
We breakthrough
Ripened and recognized
We influence.
by Azpazija (1865 - 1943)
How we went then!
How we ran then!
Just like flames,
Carried by the wind!
Our whole soul
Full of intentions
Full of fresh
Springful new notions!
How we ran then,
How we went then:
The streets paving
Burned under our feet.
Nightly below our heads
Coals were burning
Red glowing embers
Covered even our dreams.
Burning coals
Affected our fingers
All we touched
Turned to sparklings.